Copenhagen International School leaderboard

The Lyceum Shows Off Sporting Prowess

Published by The Lyceum on Friday 26th of May 2023

This Friday Mile End Stadium played host to the annual Lyceum Sports Day.

We have had an absolutely amazing day showing off our sporting prowess – from speedy 100 meter races to coordinated bean bag throws we have been pushing ourselves to be the very best.

Our pupils displayed brilliant sportspersonship and came together to support one another in team sports and relay races.

Dickens took the crown
With an impressive 333 points, Dickens House pipped our other three houses to the post. A huge congratulations to everyone in Dickens house as well as everybody who took part today.

The Lyceum Shows Off Sporting Prowess - Photo 1
King Edward VI prep
Upton School
Grace Education
Queen Ethelburga's Collegiate
Hazelwood School