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Mental Health Awareness Week 2023

Published by Lingfield College on Friday 12th of May 2023

As part of MHAW, Lingfield students enjoyed some time off from their usual extra-curricular timetable to try something new.

One of the week's most popular events had to be welcoming two Shetland ponies from Magic Ponies. They got lots of pats and grooming from our students whilst they had a good munch on the school grass! Other popular activities were Yoga, countryside walks, films, a silent disco, crochet and embroidery and retro sports day games.

There were also some lunchtime talks by students, including How sport can help reduce anxiety (by Honey), How animals can reduce anxiety (by Izzie and Sienna), and How creative activities can reduce anxiety (by Maisie). They all had some useful relaxation information for students, especially as we enter exam season.

Mental Health Awareness Week 2023 - Photo 1Mental Health Awareness Week 2023 - Photo 2Mental Health Awareness Week 2023 - Photo 3
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