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Simon Nichollas D&T Award Presented To Will J And ALICE Q

Published on isbi School News dated Monday 27th of February 2023

This year the award goes to B pupils Will J and Alice Q, and in celebration of their achievements, they were presented with the award this morning in Assembly by Head Richard Jones.

Simon Nicholls was an inspirational D&T teacher, highly respected colleague, and a friend to many, who sadly passed away four years ago, on 26 February 2019. This award poignantly marks the anniversary of his passing.

To commemorate Simon, the D&T Department works in conjunction with the Bryanston Parents’ Association (BPA) and Simon’s family to bestow a very special award in his name.

The award shield hangs in the D&T Department, mounted by the door of the sixth form classroom, which is aptly named Nicholls.

It is funded by the BPA and is presented each year to a pupil (or pupils) who has excelled across GCSE and will be taking the subject on into the Sixth Form, after demonstrating a true understanding of the School’s values, as well as commitment to the subject.

Simon Nichollas D&T Award Presented To Will J And ALICE Q - Photo 1
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