
Zimbabwe Pensioners Support Fund

Published by Northbourne Park School on Friday 13th of October 2023

At the weekend, Miss Thorpe, along with a few boarders, joined Mr and Mrs Riley for a fundraising event at Chilham Village Hall with a definite southern hemisphere flair! This is a monthly BBQ (braai) whereby folk who once lived in the beautiful country of Zimbabwe, get together for food and fellowship, with the purpose of raising much needed funds for the Old Age Pensioners back in their native country who are suffering with economic hardship.

The Zimbabwe Pensioner Support Fund is driven by goodwill and very passionate members. Just this last weekend, £571 was raised through donations and a raffle (which is always very popular), with prizes provided by those attending. A big thank you to Miss Thorpe and the 4 boarders who came along and spent their pocket-money and won raffle prizes!

It all helps to raise the living standards of those far less fortunate than ourselves, living in a far-flung country as well as helping our pupils understand how they can help those less fortunate than themselves.

Zimbabwe Pensioners Support Fund - Photo 1
Queen Ethelburga's
Palmers Green High School