A Level success sees Queen Margaret's girls accepted at top universities
Published on isbi School News dated Tuesday 18th of September 2012
Queen Margaret's is pleased to report another set of excellent A Level examination results. For the third year running over 20% of all entries achieved an A* grade (for which candidates must score 90% or more on their final papers) and over one third of candidates secured three or more A or A* grades. These excellent results mean that the QM leavers will be able to take up highly competitive places in Higher Education either this Autumn or after a GAP year.Destinations will include the Universities of Bristol, Cambridge, Durham, Edinburgh, Exeter, Leeds, London, Manchester, Newcastle, Northumbria, Oxford, Oxford Brookes, Nottingham and Warwick as well as the Royal Academy of Music, the Royal Agricultural College and the Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts. The girls' chosen courses of study are very diverse and include: Middle Eastern Studies & Arabic, Social Anthropology, Cognitive Neuroscience, Medicine, Politics, Linguistics and Mathematics & Financial Statistics.
Headmaster, Dr Silverwood commented
'The high grades achieved across all subjects reflect our wish to give girls the widest possible range of opportunities and are the reward for their own hard work and the skill and commitment of our staff. Girls from Queen Margaret's go on to be leaders in every walk of life and the 2012 leavers will be no exception. We wish them all every success for the future.'