The Gregg School

Bennies boys and girls beat the drum for Macmillan

Published on isbi School News dated Friday 5th of October 2012

Pupils from St Benedict's School were beating the drum for Macmillan Cancer Support at two separate events on Friday 28th September. In the Cloisters Hall at School, girls from all year groups held a cake sale which raised close to £500. Meanwhile the School's Big Band was performing at Ealing Hospital, cheering up patients and staff with an hour long programme.

Excitement was high in the Cloisters for the cake sale at morning break. The cakes disappeared extremely fast and Classics teacher Mrs Sarah-Jane Sorohan, who organised the event, was delighted. 'The cake sale really caught the imagination of the girls and they went to great lengths to bake the cakes and decorate them. We had so many delicious recipes. Of course our ladies on the school staff weren't going to be left out of this, so we ended up with a fantastic spread on the tables. The total raised came to an amazing £484.86.'

The same morning the school's Big Band, together with Music teachers Dominic Field and Ben Gale, entertained patients and staff at Ealing Hospital. They played for an hour in the lecture theatre and could be heard all over the hospital. 'Theme from Rocky' went down particularly well and other favourites were 'My Funny Valentine' and 'Theme from Hawaii Five-O.' Brass teacher Dominic Field, who runs the Big Band, was very pleased with their performance. 'A number of people asked if we were a professional band! Staff at the hospital told me that they raised double the amount they normally do, so I am glad that we could help. We have been invited to play again next year.'

One in three of us will get cancer and it's the toughest thing most of us will ever face. If you've been diagnosed with cancer, or a loved one has, you'll want a team of people in your corner supporting you every step of the way. Macmillan Cancer Support provides that team, offering practical, medical and financial support. The charity also campaigns for better cancer care.

Mr Steve Richards, Director for Cancer Services in England, was at the cake sale and Mr Charles Byrne, Head of High Value Giving, attended both events. Mr Byrne was impressed by the skills and commitment of the pupils. 'Please pass on our thanks to all who took part. Macmillan relies entirely upon voluntary donations such as these. The boys and girls will have made a real difference.'
Bennies boys and girls beat the drum for Macmillan - Photo 1Bennies boys and girls beat the drum for Macmillan - Photo 2
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