The Gregg School

Mayor of Haringey visit

Published on isbi School News dated Thursday 1st of November 2012

It was a privilege to have the Mayor of Haringey visit Wisdom on Monday 22nd October 2012. Haringey's First Citizen, David Brown, joined the Wisdom students for their end of Term Assembly and emphasized on the importance of, "ambition, focus and confidence." Such words will inspire the students at Wisdom, as it is important to have ambition or goal in your life. Once that has been chosen, then through focus and confidence such dreams would then become a reality...

At the end of the assembly cnl mayor David Brown rewarded the students, who had achieved the most wisdom points during the first autumn half term, with certificates, again highlighting the importance of "ambition, focus and confidence." To show our gratitude Melike (Yr 7) presented the mayor with a bouquet of flowers and Mr Guveli (Headteacher) thanked the mayor for his visit and for sharing his valuable experience and words of wisdom. Before living he mentioned that he would like to return to meet up with school council members in the near future to discuss their role in local environmental matters and their recent achievement in winning a national environmental competition. You can see the photos on the school website
Mayor of Haringey visit - Photo 1Mayor of Haringey visit - Photo 2Mayor of Haringey visit - Photo 3
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