Copenhagen International School leaderboard

KS3 trip to HMS Belfast

Published on isbi School News dated Saturday 10th of November 2012

Year 7,8 and 9 students recently explored HMS Belfast's nine decks on the 7th November 2012. They discovered the stories of life on board the warship during the Second World War and beyond. The interactive lesson also allowed them to imagine sleeping in one of the tightly packed hammocks, in fact Suheyb (Yr9) found the hammock very relaxing! The students also learnt about the sailors duties in Arctic waters as well as being stationed deep in the bowels of the ship when she opened fire in support of Allied troops on D-Day. The interactive Operations Room also allowed the students to relive life in the heart of the warship and immerse themselves in the midst of a battle in the Gun Turret Experience. Ahmet (Yr7) really got into the role of both gunner and captain, holding the shells that could hit targets as far away as 12 miles. All in all, it was an excellent trip for the students as it enhanced their knowledge of history whilst gaining insightful experience from the unique historic environment. The various films, photographs, objects and veteran testimonies helped tell the story of what life was like living and working on board HMS Belfast during her duties in the Second World War, the Cold War, Korea and beyond.
KS3 trip to HMS Belfast - Photo 1KS3 trip to HMS Belfast - Photo 2KS3 trip to HMS Belfast - Photo 3
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