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Lancaster Royal Grammar School celebrates results

Published on isbi School News dated Tuesday 9th of November 2010

Lancaster Royal Grammar School announced another very successful A-level year, both for individual pupils and the school as a whole. 76.9% of entries achieved grades A*, A or B, an increase on 2009. This measure has been higher than 75% for the last four years and is a great credit to the hard-working staff.

2010 was the school's biggest cohort ever (with 152 candidates). In the first year of the new A* grade, we were not sure what to expect. 18.1% of all entries gained A* (excluding General Studies). There were successes across all levels of the ability spectrum, including some remarkable successes at the top end. 53 boys achieved three A or A* grades or better. Nine boys achieved five A or A* grades. 12 boys achieved three A* grades or better, including Ryan Robinson (five A* grades) and Paul Hodgson, Maciej Matuszewski and Chris Walsh, who all achieved four A* grades.

In addition to A-levels in 25 subjects, we also trialled the Pre-U exam in Business and Management very successfully, with 17 Distinctions, 10 Merits and one Pass(approximately equivalent to six A*, eleven A, nine B, one C and one D at A-level).

Lancaster Royal Grammar School celebrates results - Photo 1
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