Copenhagen International School leaderboard

All change at the Stephen Perse Foundation

Published on isbi School News dated Monday 23rd of September 2013

There is currently a deficit of educational opportunity for boys in Cambridge. Not only is there a lack of places, there is also a lack of choice, in terms of the style of education on offer not least, the distinctive approach at the Stephen Perse Foundation, which has, until now, remained true to its single sex roots as The Perse School for Girls for students aged between the ages of seven and 16.
Our approach to learning is inspired by the academic scholarship of the University of Cambridge and the innovation and enterprise of Silicon Fen. It is an exceptional education that prepares our students for their future in a world characterised by challenge and change. We believe the time is now right to offer this opportunity to boys as well as girls.
As such, the Governing Body of the SPF has announced that from September 2014 boys will be admitted into Year 3 (age 7) of the Junior School. This will offer a pathway for the boys currently in our Pre-Preps in Madingley and the City, whose parents are keen for them to continue their education with us, as well as providing another choice for parents of boys currently attending other schools.
We remain true to our commitment to single sex teaching. We recognise that boys and girls respond to different learning techniques and styles at different ages. From Year 5 girls and boys will be taught in separate classes for core subjects and from 2018 we shall be creating a parallel boys' section for the 11-16 stage of their learning journey leading on to the highly successful co-educational Stephen Perse Sixth Form College.
This diamond model will offer girls and boys the best of all worlds. The girls' senior school will continue to offer outstanding opportunities for learning, but will enjoy mutual benefits from interaction in a range of social, cultural and sporting activities afforded by the creation of the new boys' section. In this way the SPF will provide parents with a unique educational opportunity in Cambridge based on the best learning outcomes for all our students.
A critical strand of our strategy is to ensure that schools within the SPF are of a size where every student is known. Each of our schools boasts a strong sense of community within the broader family of schools. Whilst enjoying a family resemblance, our five schools offer the best educational setting for their students whether they are three or 18.
In another exciting development, the SPF is delighted to welcome the addition of a new school from September 2013. Dame Bradbury's, an independent co-educational prep school for children aged 3-11, shares with the SPF a commitment to excellence and innovation. An integral part of the Saffron Walden educational landscape, Dame B's is rightly proud of its distinguished history. Following the merger between Dame B's and the SPF, the schools look forward to forging a powerful educational alliance in this region.
We are confident that, building on an outstanding legacy of excellence, we will offer an exceptional education for both girls and boys in Cambridge and Saffron Walden. I for one am hugely excited by the future and look forward to the next stage in the history of The Stephen Perse Foundation.
Tricia Kelleher
Stephen Perse Foundation
May 2013
All change at the Stephen Perse Foundation - Photo 1
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