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Oundle pupils put their Spanish to the test in Argentinian Exchange

Published on isbi School News dated Monday 11th of November 2013

At the end of September, a group of 14 Argentinean pupils from Colegio Santa Maria de Luj�n, Buenos Aires, travelled to Oundle, where they spent 10 days sampling boarding school life at the School, going to classes with their Oundle exchange partners and spending an Exeat weekend at home with their Oundle exchanges and their families.

Spanish teacher and trip organiser, Richard Charters commented, 'The Argentineans commented on the wonderful experiences that they had and on the wonderful hospitality they had received from the Oundle families. They did anything from riding quad bikes around farms to going on the London Eye to having lunch at the Houses of Parliament!'

In October, a group of 15 Oundle pupils travelled to Buenos Aires for the second leg of the exchange staying with their hosts. They were based in a quiet yet pretty northern suburb of Buenos Aires near the river. One pupil was taken to the Iguassu falls and many were lucky enough to go sailing on the fabulous delta over the weekend. Most pupils attended a football match and all were treated to huge Argentinean steaks! Oundle pupils attended School in the mornings and then did activities in the afternoon which ranged from sightseeing to visits to a local cowboy ranch where they went riding.

Richard added, 'Many of the Oundle pupils were in tears as we left. They all felt that they had made lots of new friends and had thoroughly enjoyed the wonderful Argentinean hospitality. We plan to repeat the exchange in the autumn term of 2015.'

Upper Sixth Form pupil, Octavia Morgan (18) commented, 'A two week Spanish language exchange in Buenos Aires, Argentina was a slightly daunting prospect. My Spanish was certainly put to the test. Culturally, as a group of people, Argentineans are warm, loud, passionate and above all, welcoming. No matter where you are, what language you speak, what type of school you go to, teenagers will still always be teenagers. Within the first few hours of my first day in Buenos Aires I realised my exchange partner and I had so much in common including the same taste in music! She exposed me to her way of life which was intensely different to mine. She is one of twelve, so dinner time every day was a feast, full of plates upon plates of Argentinean cuisine; my favourite being milanesa and empanadas.

The eleven days we spent in Argentina passed by very quickly; each day was a diverse and exciting array of activities or learning opportunities.

Getting to know Buenos Aires was a fantastic experience as well. We were accompanied by members of the Upper School at Colegio Santa Maria as well two teachers who gave us invaluable knowledge about the city we were just getting to know. Over two days we explored the infamous Boca stadium, a selection of beautiful Catholic churches, La Recoleta cemetery and wandered around the Plaza de Mayo and the Casa Rosada, where the Argentine President works. Despite all these activities being incredible, I look back on my time in Argentina and remember it for the people I met there. I am lucky enough to be returning to Buenos Aires next year and will be able to see my friends again. I am sure that everyone on the exchange has made a lifelong friend. With nearly the whole exchange in tears when we finally had to say goodbye, I am without doubt that this trip had an impact on every student that took part.'
Oundle pupils put their Spanish to the test in Argentinian Exchange - Photo 1Oundle pupils put their Spanish to the test in Argentinian Exchange - Photo 2
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