Copenhagen International School leaderboard

Opening doorway to success

Published on isbi School News dated Thursday 6th of November 2014

A stimulating journey that provides the key to endless opportunities is available to pupils at Wisbech Grammar School, according to headmaster Mr Chris Staley.

In his first speech day address Mr Staley told a packed audience of pupils, parents, Old Grammarians and governors that the purpose of the school was to unlock doors and teach resilience, generosity, self-control, confidence, optimism and leadership skills.

He said: 'Inspirational teachers switch on children's can-do, will-do mindset: the keenness to learn and the sense of self-efficacy which are so important to success.'

The school's passion was excellence and the challenge was to do the very best for all the pupils so that they truly developed into rounded and fulfilled young people who cared about others.

He said: 'I would like to thank you as parents for doing all you have, sacrificing all that you do and supporting us in all that we do to enable the pupils of this wonderful school to open whatever door they desire, to appreciate their good fortune and not to waste a single second in trying to achieve their goals.'

Guest of honour Dr Chan Abraham, chief executive of the Luminus Group, echoed the theme, explaining that his passion was to see the emergence of great leadership.

The speaker, who was born in Sri Lanka, said that there was a brokenness in Britain and the country needed to be changed, but his his glass was always half full and people needed to hold on to their dreams.

There was a failure to understand that the economy was driven by social capital and the cornerstone of addressing the problems did not lie with governments or politicians but with the people.

He said: 'It is people who make up society. Therefore understanding people is the key to building a successful and a safe and a transformed society.'

Instead of focusing on gaining glory for themselves, citizens should invest in others and find ways to meet their needs.

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