
CHS Pupils Raise Astounding £2604 for the Zac Cox Fund

Published on isbi School News dated Friday 13th of February 2015

On the 11th and 12th of February, Colchester High School welcomed former teacher Mr Cox, his family and Kids Physio Works to the school to present to the pupils on how the funds they have raised for the Zac Cox Fund, the school's chosen charity last term, will be used to help pay for Zac's physiotherapy.

The Zac Cox Fund was set up by Zac's family to raise money for much needed physiotherapy. Zac stopped breathing 36 hours after he was born due to a rare metabolic condition known as Multiple Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency (MADD) and he suffered profound brain damage resulting in him being blind, epileptic and suffering from global developmental delay. Zac requires intense physiotherapy to help him learn to walk. Zac currently has physiotherapy sessions with Kids Phyiso Works in Copford and their fantastic work has helped Zac to sit up unaided and he is currently learning skills to help him to walk.
The Zac Cox Fund was chosen by the School's Charity Council as the charity of choice for their fundraising last term and the pupils have raised an astounding £2604.40. Fund-raising events have included a talent show, a Christmas Jumper day and a swim/walk/ run where pupils tried to match the 950 miles sponsored John O'Groats to Land's End cycle ride undertaken by Mr Cox.

Zac's physiotherapists, Chris Smith and Neil Webster of Kids Physio Works in Copford also presented to the pupils on the incredible groundbreaking work they do for Zac.

Mr Cox finished his presentation quoting the school motto God first, Others second, self last and said 'I believe that every one of you did exactly that when you raised money for someone less fortunate than yourselves and you should be very proud.'
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