The Gregg School

The Children's Theatre Company stages British musical "Smike"

Published on isbi School News dated Friday 8th of April 2011

In Kyiv on the 5th of April the Children's Theatre Company, the only English language theatre in Kyiv, staged the musical "Smike", based on Charles Dicken's novel "Nicholas Nickelby".

The musical "Smike" is the second theatrical performance of the Children's Theatre Company, which is part of the British International School Kyiv. Last year the Kyiv audience was presented with the famous musical "Oliver!", based on the Charles Dicken's novel "Oliver Twist".

The performance was organised by the British International School with the assistance of What's On magazine as general media partner.
Queen Ethelburga's Collegiate
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Tormead School
The Gregg School
Hazelwood School