Copenhagen International School leaderboard

Glee Performance for Year 6

Published on isbi School News dated Friday 11th of November 2011

Most of us who have endured a long haul flight from the Antipodes feel sleep deprived and distinctly low on sociability on arrival. Not so, Mr Pritchett's two musician friends from Australia. Within hours of touchdown, performers Andi Gallaher and Anita Collins set about teaching Year 6 pupils a medley of contemporary pop songs called from the television series 'Glee.'

Andi has a C.V. as long as her arm and is well known on the arts scene down under as a classically trained singer, pianist, flutist, actress and voice coach. With her irrepressible enthusiasm and good humour, Andi soon had the girls singing as if they had known the words for ever.

On the Friday before half term, the two Australian musicians returned to review the progress the pupils had made and to incorporate choreography which chimed with the contemporary
nature of the material being performed.

Later in the day, under spotlights, wearing jeans and tee-shirts, Year 6 pupils dazzled with their energy and team work. Should anyone wish to polish up their singing and performing skills I am sure Andi
would be happy to oblige in her luxurious VOX Studios on Queensland's incomparable Gold Coast!
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