Duke of York's Royal Military School

Prep News

Published by Edgbaston High School for Girls on Tuesday 18th of January 2022

It is good to have everyone back at school after the holiday. We have enjoyed catching up with news about visits and time spent with families and friends.

We began the term with a welcome back assembly reflecting on progress made in the previous term and resolutions and goals made for the rest of the year ahead. We recognised the importance of building strong foundations in our learning to help us to progress.

Year 1 girls also enjoyed a start of term treat with a trip to the Town Hall to see the production of Julia Donaldson’s Stick Man.

Study of Louis Braille and other child inventors such as Benjamin Franklin were the focus of a message shared on Kid Inventors Day. The message was that we all have the ability to create new items and to problem solve if we are faced with a challenge or see a need, no matter how young we are.

The New Year has also brought new areas of study. In Year 2, girls have been busy learning about the countries and capital cities of the United Kingdom. They have used digital technologies to help them to locate Birmingham and EHS. With Digimaps they learnt to zoom in and out on maps and add labels and with My World 3 they made a jigsaw of the UK and labelled the countries. A carpet jigsaw also helped with developing mapping skills.

Year 2 have also been developing their numeracy skills using numbers to 100. They have matched numerals to number words and compared numbers using the < and > symbols.

In PE lessons the girls have also been introduced to some new skills for this term including yoga and cricket. On Wednesday Year 5 and 6 enjoyed their first session of 6 weeks of cricket coaching, delivered by the English Cricket Board. The girls enjoyed demonstrating their knowledge and took part in a variety of fun team games, developing their accuracy in fielding and bowling. They are looking forward to batting and match play in future weeks.

There was further excitement in Year 6 this week as the spring drama production title was announced. Girls are now keenly learning the extract of the script ready for the audition process before the full rehearsals begin in earnest.

In our Celebration Assemblies we have celebrated the progress of the guide dog, Sprout, and the hearing dogs, Bertie and Gordon, that we sponsor. We receive regular ‘pup dates’ reporting on their training journeys. We have also awarded some Independent Learning certificates and the badges to our new Form Reps for the term.

Next week we look forward to welcoming Year 3 parents to join us for a storytelling assembly and to hosting the Medical Mavericks in a workshop for Year 6.

Just the start of a busy term ahead!
Prep News - Photo 1
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