
Down in the Garden....

Published by Kingswood Prep School on Tuesday 15th of February 2022

The children in The Garden really do love their Forest School sessions each week; even the rain and cold weather can’t dampen their enthusiasm. Suitably wrapped up and wearing their brightly coloured wellies and bobble hats the children (and staff) head down from the Nursery for a morning of learning and discovery in the great outdoors.

In The Secret Garden you will find happy, focussed and challenged children taking control of their own learning. There is excitement and ‘whoops’ of joy as children succeed in mastering a tool, building a den, making marks using a natural paintbrush that they have made, finding insects, watching leaves fall, cooking on an open fire, the list is endless and will never be forgotten by them or the adults who they share it with.

In Forest School sessions our children are encouraged to take control of their own learning. They are encouraged to think critically, be adaptable and try to solve problems independently. They learn when to ask for help from adults after all other avenues have been explored. They realise that there is no right or wrong way – it is whichever way suits you best.

It is not only the children who benefit from the Forest School experience. Last weekend Tania Orgill from Playwood Forest School and Outdoor Learning hosted an all-day training session at the Prep School. Seven staff from The Garden jumped at the opportunity to join people from other schools for a winter themed skills session learning crafts, making candles, building a fire and using tools. The session was thoroughly enjoyed by all those that took part and we are looking forward to hosting some more training sessions with Tania in the future.

Down in the Garden.... - Photo 1Down in the Garden.... - Photo 2Down in the Garden.... - Photo 3
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