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Dauntsey’s Pupils Raise Funds for School Charity in Annual 24-hour Runathon

Published by Dauntsey's on Monday 4th of April 2022

A team of 62 Sixth Formers and seven staff from Dauntsey’s has completed a 24-hour Runathon to raise money for the school’s chosen charity for 2022, the mental health charity, MIND.

Some 1,100 kilometres were run, over a total of 1,761 laps of the course, raising more than £1,000 in sponsorship. Special mention must go to the eight pupils who completed 68 laps or more, meaning they ran more than a marathon, as well as a further 15 pupils who ran more than half a marathon. Particular congratulations must go to Charlie M who completed an incredible 100 laps – by far the most any pupil has ever completed during the Runathon!

Jane Hubbard, Head of Charities, Dauntsey’s, said:

“The Runathon has become an annual fixture in our fundraising campaign and one that the Sixth Form really looks forward to as it raises a great amount for charity.

“Over the course of the 24 hours, at least one person will be running the route around the school – it’s often more than one - and there’s some healthy competition! This year the pupils and staff surpassed themselves by completing more than 1,760 laps of the course raising a great deal of money for charity.”

“Thanks must go to all the – now exhausted! – runners and to the pupils and staff who cheered on the runners and counted laps for the 24-hour period, braving the cold night time supervision slots with good humour and enthusiasm.”

Each September, the entire School community at Dauntsey’s votes to adopt a charity for the forthcoming academic year. In the past twelve years, Dauntsey’s has raised more than £240,000 for a variety of good causes.

Dauntsey’s Pupils Raise Funds for School Charity in Annual 24-hour Runathon - Photo 1
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