
St Benedict's Pupils predict the End of the World

Published on isbi School News dated Friday 20th of January 2012

Is the world going to end this year?' Well hopefully not before Year 10 Green pupils at St Benedict's School, Ealing make deadline. Green were the third group of pupils writing the news for the BBC this year in a massive project involving the whole Year 10 cohort. On their practice news day they investigated and filmed reports on racism, the rumoured end of the world, the effect of the London riots, the Wikipedia blackout and hackers targeting children's gaming sites.

The pupils experienced the buzz and adrenalin of the news room as the BBC called with a last minute news story in the morning. Could Noah and Louise do a Q and A with potential Olympic swimmer Rachael Kelly in an hour? At the same time other pupils were experiencing technical problems with the cameras and all the time the clock was spinning towards deadline. But, being the professionals they are, Green pushed on to get their stories edited and recorded on the BBC School Report site.

As Year 10 pupil Johanna Flade described it, 'A stressful but exciting day.'
St Benedict's Pupils predict the End of the World - Photo 1
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