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2022 – The examinations year Ashville celebrates its “best evers” both at A Level and GCSE

Published by Ashville College on Monday 26th of September 2022

We are celebrating our Year 11 GCSE results, which has seen more than 50 per cent of our pupils achieve grades 7 to 9.

A third of the pupils who sat the exams this year passed with 8 and 9s.

And a testament to the quality of Ashville’s teaching and learning credentials, is its impressive Value-Added score this year. Value Added is a measure of the progress pupils make from the start of their GCSE courses. This year, Ashville’s Year 11’s have attained their best ever Value Added score of 0.8 per grade, per subject.

Several pupils obtained an average of two grades higher in all subjects, compared to pupils of the same ability.

Ashville College Head, Rhiannon Wilkinson, said:

“We are delighted with the excellent results our Year 11 pupils attained, and I congratulate them on their success.

“They rose admirably to the challenges of the last two years, and their hard work and determination has certainly paid off with over half our results attaining the top grades of 9 to 7.

“Ashville pupils, families and staff are celebrating the fact that in 2022 we have seen the best ever progress made by GCSE pupils in GCSE examinations.”

Individual successes saw Annie achieve a clean sweep of eleven 9s – one of only 188 out of over 600,000 GCSE candidates to have done so. Annie will be attending Ashville’s Sixth Form from September, before she hopes to go on and study Medicine at university.

Seb achieved nine 9s and two 8s, Lucy passed with nine 9s, one 8 and one 7, whilst Ethan achieved eight 9s, two 8s and one 7, Anna attained four 9s, five 8s and one 7, and Luca six 9s, three 8s and one 7.

Harriet, who has dyslexia and has been supported throughout her studies by the College’s Learning Support team, passed her nine GCSEs with one 9, four 8s, two 7s and a 6. Her individual Value Added score was just over two grades per subject.

Seb, who joined Ashville in Year 6 and will be studying Chemistry, History, English Literature and Performing Arts at Ashville Sixth Form, said:

“With all 9s and 8s, I’m very pleased with my GCSE results. I’m now looking forward to staying on at Ashville and sitting my A-Levels!”

Lucy, who has been an Ashville pupil since Reception, has her sights fully focused on the next stage of her studies.

Lucy, who passed her GCSEs with nine 9s, one 8 and one 7, said:

“I’m absolutely delighted with my results, and one has come as a real shock – In my mocks I got a six in Physics and I have passed it with a 9!

“I’m really looking forward to my A Levels, studying the subjects I love in more depth, and then hopefully going on to University.”

Anna, who has been an Ashville pupil for the last seven years and starts Ashville Sixth Form in three weeks, is taking A-Levels in French, Spanish, and Ethics & Philosophy.

She said:

“I’ve loved every minute of my time at Ashville and can’t wait to start Sixth Form. Hopefully I’ll go on to university, and then after that travel the world using my languages.”

Harriet, who is a going to study Business, Economics and Psychology at Ashville Sixth Form, was full of praise for the College’s Learning Support Department.

She said:

“They have been amazing and thanks to them I never gave up. I’m really pleased with my results and can’t wait to start Sixth Form.”
2022 – The examinations year Ashville celebrates its “best evers” both at A Level and GCSE - Photo 1
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