Copenhagen International School leaderboard

Pupils Complete Peak District DofE Silver Expedition

Published by Culford School on Wednesday 16th of November 2022

17 Silver DofE pupils completed a challenging expedition to the Peak District in October. DofE Silver Award Supervisor Sarah Shoesmith has written a report of the fantastic trip below.

''There are six precious weeks from the start of term to when DofE pupils need to be prepared to hike the hills in the Peak District. Intense planning goes on at each weekly session to ensure routes are chosen and plotted and the kit is sorted and packed. The fact that seventeen Upper Fifth pupils successfully organised this indicates how determined they all were.

October weather in the Peak District can be undesirable. At times, groups were walking as sheet rain pelted down on them from an angle. These heavy showers were, however, interspersed with lovely balmy sunshine, which made the expedition more bearable. Muddy boots and gaiters indicated that the ground was slippery at times too.

Despite the inclement weather, the pupils continued to amaze me with their resilience and endurance. Everyone completed their approximate 45km journey within their groups, some with tears and touchy moments but mostly with smiles and surplus energy. When they were unaware of us being around, one could hear the chatter, the laughter, the negotiations and the decision-making processes unfolding. It is a beautiful sight and sound that Kurt Hahn, the founder of the Duke of Edinburgh's Award, would be delighted to see.

A hearty congratulations to everyone for completing a challenging section of their Silver Award. Thanks to Sarah Schofield, Ian Roach and Andrew Shoesmith, who came on this expedition to support the pupils in the Peak District.''
Pupils Complete Peak District DofE Silver Expedition - Photo 1
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