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Boarders' Corner

Published by Godstowe School on Tuesday 29th of November 2022

Turner House was woken up at 7:45am followed by breakfast at 8:30am. As usual, we enjoyed delicious sweet syrup, berries, waffles and cream. After a delightful breakfast girls had varied durations of prep time from 1hr 15 minutes to 2 hours and 30 minutes. Girls had free time for the next few hours, some had music practice at 11:00, some had EAL and some just chilled out and played some games of Just Dance. Lunch was at 12:30pm; we all had a fabulous meal of penne bolognese. The morning was over, but the real fun was to happen during the afternoon. At 2:00pm girls had an autumn art activity. The Middles constructed a volcano for their Geography homework. The process involved taping newspaper to a plastic bottle to make a structure and papier-mâchéing on top. Uppers and Fourths did an autumnal art activity using pastels and acrylic paints.

After the art activity, girls had a choice of doing either free swim in the swimming pool or playing board games. Since it was raining hard outside many preferred board game activities. Mr. Scriven placed an order of bubble tea for us to have on Sunday. We then ended the day with the movie ‘Swallows and Amazons’ and tuck. Overall Saturday was pretty good!

On Sunday Morning, we crept downstairs so we wouldn’t wake the others up as Sunday is a lie in and it's optional if you would like to wake up or sleep for a little bit longer. We are very considerate to others!

At 10:00am, we changed our bed linen, then went to brunch. After brunch, we went to Hughenden Forest, where we did lots of walking and we even did some den building and played a couple of games in the forest. Sadly, we lost one of the Turner dogs, Jo Jo, in the forest, so Mrs Western and Mr Scriven searched the woods for seven hours looking for her! Luckily, she was found in the 10:30pm!

When we returned to school, we all decided to go play Hide and Seek together and a lot of people found very good hiding places. We went back to Godstowe after a long day for dinner. It was Martina’s Birthday and she turned 11! We celebrated her happy birthday along with a card.

After Dinner, we organised ourselves for Monday and got ready for the day ahead of us. We had our usual house meeting and we had 30 minutes of reading time before bed. It was definitely a lovely day!

Written by Charlotte and Alice, residents of Turner House
Boarders' Corner - Photo 1
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