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School Report- Results From NSEA October 2022 Champs at Keysoe International

Published by The Grange School on Wednesday 30th of November 2022

Another NSEA Champs week saw rain and mud but that didn’t stop our team in their successes and enthusiasm throughout. What a manic five days of competition but hugely successful and great fun with amazing people.

Who knew we could fit that many classes into so few days with 11 riders (ranging in age from 9-17) and 16 horses (with several girls riding multiple horses to add to the confusion and complexity)…it was head spinning at times but super proud of all team members, including siblings, friends and parents who were all fabulous fun as ever and always ready to muck in and help each other out.

A MASSIVE thank you to Orla Stott, an ex Grange Equestrian Team member for chief head groom skills, Ed Hodgson, our chief photographer for taking over 2,600 photos and Maisie Rowland for coming along to help and support our team. Also a HUGE congratulations to our youngest ever NSEA champs rider Eliza Caldwell, from Junior School and first timers Daisy Caldwell and Imi Phillips who have all shown true grit and
determination throughout the 5 days. The Caldwell girls even commenting that Champs was more fun than a holiday in Lanzarote...that may also have something to do with the chocolate sundae milkshake consumption.

Fantastic to win so many buckets (equivalent to trophies) a total of 27…whoop whoop definitely a Grange record

28th and 34th in the pumpkin 70SJ (out of 70 riders), respectively for Daisy and Eliza Caldwell

2nd for Aisling Stott in the 100 pumpkin SJ
4th for Sofia Stubbs in the 100 pumpkin SJ

3rd out of 32 teams in the 90cm SJ for Verity Sellers, Emily Rowland, Madi Carlick and Aisling Stott
7th in the RPL team for Sofia Stubbs, Madi Carlick, Imi Phillips, Ellie Stockdale, Verity Sellers, Fleur Perry, Daisy Caldwell and Eliza Caldwell
6th Individual in the 110m SJ for Aisling Stott
4th in 110m SJ team for Sofia Stubbs, Izzi Davenport, Madi Carlick and Verity Sellers

1st in the 120m SJ for Sofia Stubbs
7th in the 100 SJ for Madi Carlick, Emily Rowland, Sofia Stubbs and Verity Sellers
3rd Individual in the 100SJ for Sofia Stubbs
3rd in the 100JWS for Emily Rowland, Verity Sellers, Sofia Stubbs and Izzi Davenport
8th Individual in the 100 JWS for Aisling Stott
2nd in the 70cm Pumpkin SJ for Daisy
9th in the Pumpkin 90SJ for Daisy Caldwell

5th Individual for Ellie Stockdale in Elementary Dressage
8th Individual for Aisling Stott in Elementary Dressage
7th in Team Dressage for Eliza Caldwell, Daisy Caldwell, Emily Rowland and Sofia Stubbs
8th Individual for Ellie Stockdale in Novice Dressage

Team 7th was definitely our lucky number this year

We would love to see more riders qualifying for next years Champs (October 2023) especially as it was several of the older riders last year this time. Here are the next lot of qualifiers…

November - Pop up Dressage at home
26 Nov Eventers Challenge at Eland Lodge (Hickstead Qualifier)
December Pop up Dressage at home

And remember if we are top 2 in our RPL league at the end of the season we can put forward a team of up to 2 riders at each height. So the more competitions you enter throughout the year, hopefully the more RPL points we get.
School Report- Results From NSEA October 2022 Champs at Keysoe International - Photo 1
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