The Gregg School

Sustainability Week at Kingswood

Published by Kingswood Senior School on Thursday 1st of December 2022

Kingswood held a Sustainability Week in November, with a huge variety of activities taking place throughout the School.

The week started with members of the Eco Alliance club delivering an interactive assembly to Year 7 and 8 pupils about fast fashion and the impact that this industry has on the environment, making students and staff think about where they should purchase their clothes. Our Prep School children also received a visit from the club, discussing climate change and how each and every one of us can make a difference. Tutorial time also had a greater focus on sustainability too.

We always have a wide variety of lunch options each day to suit all tastes, however for one day during this week there were only vegan options available, prepared by our excellent catering team to show how a meal can be sustaining and delicious without including animal-based food.

The big event of the week was the second-hand charity clothes sale, raising over £300 for the Environmental Justice Foundation, a charity working to shine an international spotlight on environmental and human rights abuses. Any leftover clothes were donated to Save The Children, the Malawi Jumble Sale and some used for craft activities around school.

The Eco Alliance club would like to thank everyone for all their efforts in supporting the activities that took place.
Sustainability Week at Kingswood  - Photo 1Sustainability Week at Kingswood  - Photo 2Sustainability Week at Kingswood  - Photo 3
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