The Gregg School

Summer Term World Of Work Lectures

Published by Aldwickbury School on Tuesday 4th of July 2023

This term we were very fortunate to welcome a variety of interesting and inspirational people to share about their careers and experiences as part of the World of Work Lecture Series. These are wonderful sessions that provide a fascinating insight into the different career opportunities that exist and create a space where the boys can ask questions.

At the very beginning of term, Ella Cleary joined us and spoke to the boys about her career starting as a Business Development Manager at Deliveroo and now an EdTech Account Manager Apprentice with Amazon Web Services (AWS). She shared how her current job does not link to her degree and reassured the boys that ‘you can change and don’t have to stick with one thing.’ The second speaker this summer term was Ronan Murphy who joined us for a slightly different World of Work Lecture via video call. Ronan captivated the boys by sharing his experience of climbing Mount Everest.

We were also delighted to welcome during the course of the term, Cardiff University Philosophy Lecturer Anneli Jefferson, Farmer and former Harpenden Councillor Stuart Roberts and Grant Gardner Managing Director of Credit Agricole.

With topics from farming to finance and philosophy to politics, the boys received an insight into each of our guests' careers and had an opportunity to ask questions and receive advice that will be valuable for their future. Some of the advice even linked to our values including 'commitment' and 'endeavour'. We are confident that the values we instil in the boys today and the opportunities at Aldwickbury will successfully equip them for their future whatever career path they choose.

We would like to say a big thank you to all our guest speakers who are helping to inspire the next generation. We look forward to welcoming more guest speakers in the Autumn term.


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