
New Head Announcement

Published by Windermere School on Wednesday 2nd of August 2023

On behalf of the Board of Governors I am pleased to announce the appointment of the new Head of Windermere School.

Mr Frank Thompson joins us having already been Head of three schools, S. Anselm’s School in Bakewell, Stoke College in Suffolk and Kilgraston School in Perth. Frank has also been Deputy Head of Mount St Mary’s College, Derbyshire and Director of Admissions at Ampleforth College, as well as a teacher of Economics and Business Studies in both the state and independent sectors.

Holding an MA and MPhil from Cambridge University, a PGCE from the Institute of Education, London University, and the National Professional Qualification for Headship from the National College for School Leadership, Mr Thompson is a well-qualified and experienced school leader. Calling on his extensive knowledge and understanding of leading all phases of school education, both all-through (3-18), and Prep schools, Mr Thompson is ideally placed to confidently and professionally oversee the entire school.

S. Anselm’s Board of Governors have recently negotiated the merger of their school with another local independent school, Birkdale School, and this has afforded Mr Thompson the opportunity to join Windermere as Head, after the October half term break. For the first six weeks of this term, Mrs Davies will remain in the role of Interim Head, with Mr Thompson visiting for two days each week by way of a handover period. Mr Thompson will be meeting pupils, parents and staff during this period, prior to moving into Brow Wood with his wife Tara, during the school holiday in late October.

New Head Announcement - Photo 1
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