
LVI Volunteering with Girlguiding

Published by St Mary's Calne on Thursday 18th of July 2024

This year we were delighted to renew our links with local Girlguiding units and provide the current LVI with opportunities to volunteer as Young Leaders with Rainbows (aged 4-7), Brownies (7-10) or Guides (10-14). Seventeen girls signed up for this chance to work with girls and young women in units based in Calne and neighbouring Derry Hill. They were invaluable help to the units, all run by trained leaders who are themselves volunteers, to offer opportunities from investigating crimes, to construction skills, to camping. The Young Leaders themselves had a wonderful time and were quite emotional in this last week of volunteering before the end of term.

As one of the leaders who had four St Mary’s students helping at my unit, I was privileged to see how much my very young Rainbows benefitted from the individualised attention that having the LVI provided but also to see the students that I work with in a very different light to normal. All the leaders have been very profusive in their praise and thanks, and I am looking forward to this relationship with the local community continuing in September with the incoming LVI.

Mrs Sam Handy
Head of History and Politics
Leader of 1st Calne Guides, 2nd Calne Rainbows and Leader of 4th Calne (St Mary’s Calne) Guides and Rangers
LVI Volunteering with Girlguiding - Photo 1
Christ College Brecon
Hallfield School