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'Rich Man - Poor Man' meal raises funds for soup kitchen

Published on isbi School News dated Friday 9th of November 2012

Before half-term the Sixth Form Society of St Vincent de Paul (SVP) at St Benedict's School held their 'Rich Man - Poor Man' meal. £210 was raised on the day and this money went to the Soup Kitchen at Mattock Lane, West Ealing, where some members of the SVP help at weekends.

Arpi Stepanian (Upper Sixth), Chair of the Sixth Form SVP, said, 'This twice-yearly event is now part of the calendar at St Benedict's School and is well supported by both pupils and staff. Those taking part pay £1 to go into a raffle. Eight winners are served a proper pizza and are waited on in the Cloisters Hall by members of the SVP. The remainder who do not win are served soup with a roll. It's good fun, raises money for a worthwhile cause and also symbolises clearly the discrepancy between the have's and the have-not's.'

Members of the Sixth Form SVP who helped with the organisation and running of the event were Tatiana de Berg, Chevaz Clarke, Susan Lavelle and Adam Alsaadi.
'Rich Man - Poor Man' meal raises funds for soup kitchen - Photo 1'Rich Man - Poor Man' meal raises funds for soup kitchen - Photo 2'Rich Man - Poor Man' meal raises funds for soup kitchen - Photo 3
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