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The Festival Of Voices Comes To Dauntsey’s

Published by Dauntsey's on Monday 30th of January 2023

This year saw the introduction of a new festival at Dauntsey’s – The Festival of Voices - a week exploring, studying and celebrating the human voice.  

The week included sessions focused on free group sound improvisation, voice release, singing in a foreign language, understanding the importance of vocal health and microphone use.  External speakers were brought in to run these different workshops which were open to all pupils.   

Kerry Vaughan, Director of Music (Instrumental and Performance), said: 

“The idea behind The Festival of Voices was to give pupils the space and time to explore their voices.  Singing is an important part of many of our pupils lives at Dauntsey’s – be it in a choir, as a supporting role in a musical, or as a lead vocalist – and we wanted to give pupils the opportunity to better understand some of the skills required to make the most of their voices.  

“We were very fortunate to be able to welcome some fantastic guests to run the workshop; Jacqueline Pischorn is a German language coach at several Conservatoires and Opera Companies, Derek Barnes works in the West End helping performers to strengthen and repair their voices and Tim Redpath is a very experienced saxophonist and recording engineer.  They all had so much knowledge to pass on to the pupils and the engagement in the sessions was fantastic.” 

A pupil who attended one of Derek Barnes’ sessions, said: 

“The workshop was very inspirational. His techniques were unique and they helped me to build up my confidence by enabling me to come out of my comfort zone in a very positive way.” 

The festival was brought to a close with the final of the annual Gilliat singing competition. The Gilliat Solo Singing Competition has been running for over forty years and all pupils in the Upper School are eligible enter. It was a superb end to a wonderful week of celebration.   
The Festival Of Voices Comes To Dauntsey’s  - Photo 1
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