Copenhagen International School leaderboard

A Level Results – Our Class of 2023 Beat The Odds!

Published by Woodhouse Grove on Sunday 27th of August 2023

Class of 2023 – you have beaten the odds and achieved your aspirations. We take our hats off to you.

Another year group who has had to battle the ongoing effects of the pandemic, our Class of 2023 faced each challenge with true Grovian grit and determination. We are delighted that their hard work has been rewarded. Of our university applicants, approximately 90% have already achieved places at their university of choice; a small number of the remaining students are waiting to hear back from various establishments.

At The Grove, we know the importance of a truly all-round education and provide students with a myriad of opportunities, both academic and co-curricular. The Sixth Form at The Grove’s Pathway Programme takes this a step further, opening up the world of work and apprenticeships. All of this results in young people who know themselves, who are able to think outside the box and who understand that there are many ways to achieve your dreams. It is with great pride that we see our Class of 2023 stride out into the world, towards a wide range of aspirations, armed, not just with excellent exam results but with the great imagination, ambition and confidence imbued by a Grovian education.

And finally, a message from Headmaster, Mr Lockwood:

‘Congratulations Class of 2023! You have overcome many challenges to get to where you are today and we are extremely proud of what you have achieved. I am sure you would like to join me in thanking our excellent teaching staff for their endless dedication and enthusiasm. Throughout your time with us, we have endeavoured to give importance to your individual strengths, motivations and talents, with the aim of building your self esteem. We have encouraged you to participate in a wide variety of co-curricular activities, alongside your academic studies because it is important to us to instil more than just academic excellence in our pupils. We want to fill you with confidence and resilience – preparing you for “real life” after school. I hope that these values and the memory of your time at The Grove will stand you in good stead as you move forward into a bright future. We wish you all the very best and look forward to seeing what you will achieve in the years to come.’

Thank you Class of 2023. It has been a pleasure and an honour.

I am an individual, yet I am part of something incredible.

I am Grovian.

A Level Results – Our Class of 2023 Beat The Odds! - Photo 1
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