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Queen Anne’s School Recognised for Pioneering Mental Health Initiative

Published by Queen Anne's School on Friday 20th of December 2024

Queen Anne’s School Recognised for Pioneering Mental Health Initiative

Queen Anne’s School has gained significant recognition for our innovative approach to student wellbeing, as we recently became winners of the following awards: Pastoral Care and Wellbeing in the Talk Education Awards 2024, HIEDA Clinical Excellence award for Practice Change Implementation and the Best of the Best Senior category for Pastoral Care in The Week Independent Schools Guide. At the heart of this achievement is the school’s Weekly Well-Being Check-In, an incredible initiative launched earlier this year.

The Weekly Well-Being Check-In is a questionnaire sent to students every Monday, with follow-ups for those who miss it. The initiative assesses students' physical, mental, and emotional well-being, enabling staff to promptly address concerns and offer tailored support. Since September, the program has led to over 200 proactive engagements, allowing the pastoral team to address potential issues early and foster a healthier, more supportive environment.

This data-driven approach sets Queen Anne's initiative apart, as pastoral staff analyse weekly data to monitor individual trends and fluctuations, tailoring support to each student’s needs. For example, early recognition of heightened stress among Year 13 students regarding UCAS applications led to timely interventions, showcasing the program’s flexibility and responsiveness.

The initiative’s success has been further highlighted by the recent ISI Inspection Report, which praised the strengthened pastoral leadership and the effectiveness of the weekly surveys in addressing student concerns. As the initiative continues to evolve, Queen Anne’s School is setting a new standard for student care, with the potential to inspire and guide schools nationwide toward prioritising well-being in education.
Queen Anne’s School Recognised for Pioneering Mental Health Initiative - Photo 1
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